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Parution : François Déroche (ed.), The Qurʾan and Its Handwritten Transmission. Current Researches, Brill, 2024


The Qurʾan and Its Handwritten Transmission
Current Researches

Volume Editor: François Déroche




Series: Documenta Coranica, Volume: 4


Qurʾan manuscripts are a growing field of research: art historians, specialists of the text, historians of the Muslim communities through the ages and the areas are exploring new avenues which are illustrated in this book. From the Western part of the Islamicate world to India, from the early decades of Islam to the fifteenth century, from the glamorous Blue Qurʾan to the modest copies circulating in sixteenth-century Spain, the authors of the various papers draw the attention to the many ways.

François Déroche is Professor at the Collège de France, Paris where he holds the chair “History of the Qurʾan. Text and Transmission.” The world-leading expert on early Qurʾanic manuscripts and Islamic codicology, Déroche has published extensively on these topics, including Qurʾans of the Umayyads (Brill, 2014).

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (5 décembre 2024). Parution : François Déroche (ed.), The Qurʾan and Its Handwritten Transmission. Current Researches, Brill, 2024. IISMM. Consulté le 21 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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