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Appel à candidature : 2014 NEH Summer Institute “Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia: Literature, the Arts, and Cinema since Independence”, Oregon State University in Corvallis (Etats-Unis), 23/06-11/07/2014 — LIMITE : 04/03/2014

The 2014 NEH Summer Institute Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia: Literature, the
Arts, and Cinema since Independence will be held at Oregon State
University from June 23 to July 11, 2014. Because to date no comprehensive
assessment has been attempted of post-colonial Algeria, Morocco and
Tunisia from the perspective of the region’s cultural artistic vitality,
the intent of this institute is to shed light on the significance of North
African artistic expressions today. Expressions in the literary, visual
and musical arts with origins in Berber, Arabic and European idioms;
expressions that have adapted to modernity, postcolonialism, the reality
of globalism and advances of social media. The institute will bring
together leading scholars in North African studies and twenty-five college
and university teachers wishing to expand their coursework or research on
contemporary North Africa.

This proposal builds on a 2007 NEH Institute devoted to Berber North
Africa. Its purpose is to initiate college and university teachers to the
transformative periods that have marked Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia since
decolonization. The institute intends to present the Maghreb’s
transformative periods from the perspective of writers, painters,
filmmakers and other artists. It will be organized around three themes
uniting politics and the arts since the 1960s: Nationalism, Exile and
Revival. Three themes corresponding in overlapping ways to three periods:
the post-independence and cold war years (1960-1990); the years marked by
the political and economic instability of globalization (1990-2010); and
the recent changes since the Arab Spring. Bringing together six visiting
scholars, the objective of the institute is to explain the relation
between these themes and periods through the works of established and
recent artists who have contributed to social changes in North Africa.

For more, please visit:

Please note that NEH summer institutes include spaces for doctoral
students, and are open to part-time and adjunct instructors as well.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Mehdi Sakatni (21 janvier 2014). Appel à candidature : 2014 NEH Summer Institute “Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia: Literature, the Arts, and Cinema since Independence”, Oregon State University in Corvallis (Etats-Unis), 23/06-11/07/2014 — LIMITE : 04/03/2014. IISMM. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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