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Symposium “Philosophy between the Islamicate and Latin American Traditions: Civilizational Perspectives on Alienation/Ghayriyya in the Knowing/Being” — Online, 22-24 June 2024


Latin America is a unique mosaic of cultures, mostly of its own making, that trace their origins back to western European, Indigenous, African and Islamic sources; its philosophies can be found in its rich literature and art and studied there, not just in the departments of philosophy.

The Islamicate world is also a cultural mosaic. Despite its long experience, it faces a similar challenge of emancipation from the contemporary morass and its chaotic monologues all during the short 150-year history of “Western” economic, political and intellectual domination of the rest of the world. The “philosophical attitude” that has existed there for fourteen centuries has been expressed in various forms (falsafataṣawwuf, ʿirfān, poetry, etc.).


RATIONALE: This symposium will gather scholars from two traditions for an open discussion on:

(i) alienation and ghayriyya (otherness) as a problematic of philosophy;

(ii) various aspects of this problematic; the patterns of human thinking that typify it; the forms in which it has been articulated over the millennia; its trajectory since the seventh century; and its repercussions on contemporary Islamicate and Latin American thought;

(iii) the prospects of human reasoning in the new world being born before our eyes.

Given the centrality and fruitfulness of the concepts of “alienation” and “ghayriyya” (otherness), this is an opportunity to investigate how it can serve as a framework for future dialogue within and across cultural spheres. Lecturers and everyone attending are encouraged to explore, independently of “Western” model of explanation per se.


LANGUAGES OF PRESENTATION: Spanish, Farsi/Turkish, English.

VENUE: Online, no attendance fee.

DATE: 22-24 June 2024.

SPONSORS: Department of Aesthetics and History of Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Seville (Spain).

CONTACT: To register, send an email (name, occupation, country) to Dr. Anthony F. Shaker at: afshaker[at] . Please indicate your full name, occupation/area of studies, and country.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 810 1510 1588
Passcode: 528802


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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (19 juin 2024). Symposium “Philosophy between the Islamicate and Latin American Traditions: Civilizational Perspectives on Alienation/Ghayriyya in the Knowing/Being” — Online, 22-24 June 2024. IISMM. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse

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